If I tell you whats in my heart
Won?t you wipe my tears tonight?
Won?t you help me spend this night?
If I tell you whats in my heart,
Won?t you really hug me tight?
Won?t you hold me if I fall?
Won?t you answer if I call?
If I tell you you?re my life,
Won?t you really care at all?
Won?t you help me pass the trials?
Won?t you cover miles after miles?
If I tell you the desperation of wanting you,
Won?t you turn my tears into smiles?
Won?t you feel my pain anymore?
Won?t you miss me like did before?
If I tell you you?re my soul,
Won?t you make the time restore?
Won?t you listen my heart?s cry?
Won?t you let my eyes dry?
If I tell you?re my only love,
Won?t you even love me just as reply?